Sunday, December 9, 2012

Words create worlds

When I wake up early on the weekend, I try not to disturb the spouse and cats on the bed, gather up my electronic toys/leashes, put my sea otter slippers on, and paddle quietly down to the kitchen.  Once there, I turn on the radio, make (or reheat) some coffee and check my email.  Sometimes I feel inspired enough to do some cleaning or create a blog.  Today I have done both, and it is not even 1000 (that's 10 AM for you non-military types).

credit:  John Goodwin
[borrowed from]

One of my favorite weekend radio programs is "On Being" with Krista Tippet.  This morning she was discussing the life and work of a rabbi who was a friend of Martin Luther King.  His name was Abraham Heschel.  Krista was mentioning something that her dad always told her, that "words create worlds".

This started me thinking about the 'crisis' du jour inside the beltway.  [See my blog from yesterday if you aren't sure what beltway I am referring to....]

Some are calling it the 'fiscal cliff', others are calling it a 'debt crisis', all terms which are meant to be scary and dire.  It is interesting that they are choosing those specific words.

The better explanation of what is going on, in my humble perspective, is just a lack of teamwork.  The two major political parties are so busy scoring points off each other, that they cannot fathom what it would be like to work together.

The words they use to describe one another are almost always divisive, so no wonder they don't want to compromise and get this stuff done before Christmas.

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