Sunday, February 10, 2013

Who is in charge?

My husband and I have watched WAY too much of what I would call "News-o-tainment" in the last 6 years.  Given that we are on the left of the political spectrum (in the USA), the bulk of that viewing is centered around MSNBC.  We can spend 2+ hours a night watching this stuff.  I call it stuff because the big issues are discussed by the various commentators one after another.  They all take a slightly different spin on these similar stories, but the major nuggets are still the same.

They are most often discussing craziness inside the Beltway, but all the studios are in NYC.  I started to wonder why they are all in New York when a lot of the stories they are covering are happening in between Maryland and Virginia.

Right now I am watching a segment of "UP with Chris Hayes" where they are discussing what is dragging down the economy.  I must admit that I like TV programs that make me think about things more deeply (as long as they are not messy emotional things.........)

So I had a revelation about why this is, and it has to do with these two guys pictured below.

borrowed from

"Politicians need to understand that governing by polls is a real problem," said Paul Krugman.  He might not have said problem, but I am too lazy to back up the DVR and figure out what the actual word was.  The message is still the same though, and that is that the fiscal cliff was a figment of the overworked amigdullae of certain politicians who think that the stimulus was a REALLY bad thing and the members of the media who like to make things sound more dire than they actually might be.

There was no way that Wall Street was going to allow our nation to default on their debt.  It just wasn't going to happen.

Hence the title of this blog.  Are the legislators in DC really controlling the course of our nation's finances, or is it the two animals pictured above, known for their fury and hibernation, respectively.

Think about it, and please leave a comment if you would like to engage in some political debate!

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